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Supervisor & Project Coordinator

Annamaria Petrozza


Annamaria Petrozza was awarded a Master of Science in Electronic Engineering (emphasis on Devices, design and modelling) at Ecole Supèrieure d’Electricité (Paris, France) in 2003 under the T.I.M.E. (Top Industrial Manager in Europe) program. In 2004 she got a Master degree in Electronic Engineering (emphasis on Optoelectronics) at Politecnico of Milan. In 2008 she received her PhD in Physics from the University of Cambridge (UK) with a thesis on the study of optoelectronic processes at organic and hybrid semiconductors interfaces. Her research is focused on the development of new, sustainable, optoelectronic technologies which can be extensively integrated in the everyday life.​ She got the “Innovators Under 35 Italy 2014” award by the MIT Technology Review for her pioneering work on perovskites. She has been selected among the “Emerging Investigators 2017” by the Royal Society of Chemistry. In 2017 Annamaria received the highly competitive European Research Council Consolidator grant, a 2.2M Euros award to support excellent and disruptive science.

She is in the editorial board of Advanced Energy Materials (Wiley) and Matter (Cell Press). From February 2019 to February 2020 she served as associated editor at "Sustainable Energy & Fuels" (Royal Society of Chemistry). Currently she serve as senior editor at "ACS Energy Letters" (American Chemical Society).

Annamaria has an h-index of 44 (Scopus, June 2020) with more than 17500 citations. She has been listed among the the “Highly Cited Researcher 2018 (cross field)” and “Highly Cited Researcher 2019 (cross field)” by Clarivate Analytics.